Saturday, December 15, 2012

I couldn't put him down

While trying to figure out how to write this post I have realized it is so much easier to write about the fun, light stuff.  I don't even know where to start with my thoughts about the tragic event of yesterday's shootings. I don't know if my heart would have hurt this much for the families if I did not have a son of my own.  I can't imagine the amount of pain each family is going through knowing they will not hold their babies anymore.  How is it possible to heal from that kind of tragedy?

I hate that it takes a tragedy for me to realize how lucky I am.  The past couple of days Henry has been very cranky, mostly during the day, which is a switch from the previous week.  He is tired but won't go down for a nap and then gets overtired, which for him is the most painful thing (up to this point) and I have been pulling my hair out trying to get things done because he is just crying all the time.  I would get him to sleep, put him in his crib and fifteen minutes later he would be awake again.

But yesterday, I didn't put him down.  I didn't care if the groceries needed to be put away, or the clothes in the washing machine needed to be moved.  It didn't matter that my phone was ringing or that I have Christmas presents to work on, I didn't put him down.  We slept for an hour together and then he woke up, still unhappy.  It took me a while, but I got him back to sleep and  I still didn't put him down.  I watched TV while he slept in my arms.  I couldn't put him down.  I didn't know if I would ever put him down again.  I just wanted to hold him and protect him forever.

I don't realize how quickly time is going.  I have honestly loved every stage he has gone through and I look forward to all of the other stages.  I'm sure I won't realize how fast he is growing until I look back one day and he is in Preschool and then Kindergarten.  I hope for the time being I take time to really comfort him when he is upset and know that nothing is more important than taking the time to hold him close and not put him down.

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