Monday, January 21, 2013

A swimmer is born

 Since we are leaving for Hawaii this Friday, Andrew and I thought it would be a good idea to see if Henry liked swimming.  He enjoys bath time, so we assumed it would be fine, but wanted to know for sure.  He did great!  The swimsuit he has on is a diaper and swimsuit all in one, part of our cloth diaper collection (iPlay for those of you who care, I also have Imse Vimse, but he has to grow into those).
He loved chewing on his duck!  We barely got it away from him to take some pictures with the duck not in his mouth.

Henry was very content sitting at the end of this long slide at the Cessna Activity Club.  Andrew wanted to pretend that he was up there all by himself, but as soon as Andrew took his hand away Henry wanted to dive in.  He didn't go under, but it gave me a small heart attack.

 I think we have ourselves a swimmer!  The water was colder than he was used to, but he was a trooper and all smiles afterward.

1 comment:

  1. The last picture with Andrew and Henry is priceless. So excited for you and the trip to Hawaii. Thanks for faithfully keeping up your blog. Love and miss you. B
