Saturday, January 12, 2013

7 months old

This post is a little late, but I have been trying, like crazy, to upload videos so that I can show you what Henry is doing at 7 months.  I'm not sure it is going to work, but I will try.  

I can't believe he is already 7 months old.  He is so expressive and the amount he continues to learn is overwhelming for me, I can't imagine what it is like for him.  He continues to be a very happy little boy.  Don't get me wrong, if he is hungry, watch out! he wants food now (I have to blame myself for passing on that trait though).  

He is rolling all over the place, but hasn't really shown signs of crawling, or at least I don't think he has.  Although, I was surprised how well he can get around by just rolling.  I turned my back for a minute the other day and he had rolled over and started chewing on the computer cable.  Yes, I'm up for Mother of the Year :-)

My favorite recent story is recently Henry was sucking on his pacifier and playing in his room with his toys one afternoon and our dog, Charlie was running around with his tiger toy.  Well, I left to wash dishes and came back and Henry had the tiger toy and Charlie had the pacifier.  Usually I get really upset with Charlie when he gets the pacifier, but this was just too cute.

He is drooling like crazy, gnawing on everything and no, he doesn't have any teeth.  I promise, when his first tooth starts to peek out I will let everyone know.  Why is that the first question everyone asks if he is chewing on stuff and cranky, "is he teething?"

Actually, I have found it humorous that the first question almost everyone asks is,"how is he sleeping?" It is literally the first thing out of anyone's mouth that hasn't seen us for a while or people we are meeting for the first time.  The funny thing is, I try to explain it.  "Well, he did really well for the first 4 months and then he stopped sleeping through the night and we haven't figured out why, but we took him out of his swaddle and now we are blah blah blah."   Here is my new answer, "he is a great sleeper, thank you for asking."  Sometimes that is even true.  

Well, enough of my jabber.  I want Henry to show you what he has been doing so cross your fingers, let's see if this is going to work...

He is learning how to talk with his mouth full.

He loves books!

He is a great sleeper, thank you for asking. :-)

He loves to play with his toys!

I could not be any more in love with this child.  Thank you for stopping by so that I can show off my beautiful little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Kins, the boys loved the videos and the little sounds he makes. I wish we lived closer... Thanks for sharing.
