Monday, October 15, 2012

What do you DO all day?

So, every now and then I get the question, "What do you do all day?"  I was prepared for this question, but as so many stay at home moms know, it's not that easy to answer.  I thought I would give you the start of my day and then the rest will have to be a mystery (or just think laundry, laundry, cooking, then more laundry). 
I found this amazing group called Strollers in Motion.  It's all part of a program designed by Tonya Wells at On Mondays we meet at College Hill Park to do our workout.  It's so great to be able to take Henry with me every day. 
The first picture shows our leader, Julia, reading to the kids while all of the moms are doing their push-ups and tricep dips.  We sing songs like "the Itsy Bitsy Spider" "Row Row Row Your Boat" and many other kids songs to keep the kids entertained.  We count by ones forward and backward and sometimes by tens, I'm sure Henry will be joining in any day now.  

For the first part of the class Henry usually sleeps.  He has a very comfortable BOB jogging stroller with a BundleMe blanket.  I put his little hat on him and he is good to go.  It usually falls down and covers his eyes like in the picture below, but he doesn't seem to mind.

When everyone finishes their arm workout we grab our strollers and take off.  Sometimes we run forwards, sometimes backwards, sometimes sideways and there are always a lot of lunges.  We are quite a sight running around the park with all of our strollers.

We head to the tennis courts to do more arm work while the kids play with bubbles and have another story read to them.  We all agreed these crab crawls were easier in elementary school!

Henry wakes up and joins the party by the end of class and then we are off to the park to play!

At the end of each class the kids get to play on the playground while we work on our abs.  It's a great workout all around and so much fun to hang out with all of these ladies!

I hope this answers your question "What do you DO all day?" 

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