Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Hilly Hundred

This title is going to be a little deceiving because I don't have any pictures of the Hilly Hundred, but this is why we flew to Indiana this past weekend in the first place.  The Hilly Hundred is a one hundred mile bike ride, split into two days, starting in Ellettsville, IN.  It is a beautiful area with Fall colors in every direction.  Andrew and David Eaton planned this race a while back and even though Andrew had rotator cuff surgery and his doctor, physical therapist and wife thought is was a bad idea he was determined to go.  In the end, I'm so glad that we ended up taking the trip.  

While the boys were out riding I got to hang out with David's awesome wife, Megan and their three amazing little girls Ellie, Abby and Sophia.    

The Eaton family
Henry is two months older than Sophia, so they were fast friends.  We put them on the floor next to each.  I'm so proud of Henry, he figured out how to present his arm to Sophia.  I don't know if there were any sparks yet, but Andrew and I have decided that we are okay with him marrying any of the Eaton girls.

In this picture, we put them in front of each other and they actually "talked" to each other for a little bit.  It was pretty cute.  I think in another year they will be running around together and, if the first four months is any indication, Henry won't stop talking to Sophia!

Ellie and Abby are so much fun!  They are great big sisters to Sophia and so smart.  We played with dominoes (most of the time building an outlet mall), puzzles, we colored, there was an endless amount of entertainment with these two.  

I wish I would have taken a picture of Megan and I with the four kids getting in and out of the car.  By the end of the trip we were pros, but the first couple of times made for some entertainment. Especially putting either Henry or Sophia in the car base through the back.  I'm just glad we didn't drop anybody!

As we were getting ready to leave we were all taking pictures and the boys decided the best picture would be for us to face the sun.  Well, I have really sensitive eyes and I just couldn't do it.  I got tickled and all of the photos of me look a little ridiculous, but Megan is amazing and was able to keep her eyes open and take all great pictures.  Maybe someday she will teach me how to do that.

We had such a great time staying with the Eaton Family!  Everybody got some much needed bonding time and we learned that having three kids is going to be so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Kinsey you are so funny!!! I loved reading this. :) I might have been able to keep my eyes open for this picture BUT now I'm practically blind and see stars all day long-LOL!!! I wish we would have gotten pictures of getting them in and out of the car too-especially when we couldn't stop laughing!! It was most definitely a clown car this weekend. Can't wait to do it again!!
