Sunday, September 19, 2010

Indoor/Outdoor Triathlon

This morning (Sunday 9/19) I completed my first Triathlon. It was an Indoor/Outdoor hosted by the YMCA. 400 yd swim, 13 mile bike, 3 mile run. Results are posted at

For those of you that don't want to look, I finished 56th overall, 44th for the men. Time 1:17:20
My splits were:
Swim 5:12
T1 1:47
Bike 40:05
T2 1:26
Run 28:50

Kinsey was a trooper, waking up at 5:15 for the adventure. She's done several half-marathons where I got to cheer her on, and she didn't want to miss this opportunity for pay back.

I had a friend, Jeff, who I have been swimming with also in the race. (9th) He has helped me get ready, taking me on bike rides, etc. He was running next to me when the hail storm hit. (His van lost its rear window too.) We tied for the second fastest swim among everyone.

First the SWIM. The hardest part for me was the start. You "plop" in, or in my case, drop in next to the wall, go down about 8 feet, then push off the wall. There was a bit of a traffic jam in the first 100, but after I passed two people, I had clear water ahead. After 400 yds, i was in 7th place.

They told us to use the ladder, I swear!

Then, the transition. Apparently, transition is the opportunity to make up or lose alot of time. I struggled with the shirt, the socks, the shoes. Nancy and Glen came to cheer me on, nothing like sitting on the ground, trying to put on your shoes, with your adoring fans yelling at you. =)

Actually, they were great. It was nice having a cheering section. I'll let Kinsey blog about that side of the race.

Okay, so after T1, the first transition, I was on the bike. It took about 4 miles for me to catch my breath from the swim. But, I just kept pushing it, and averaged 16.3 MPH. Not bad for a 20 year old mountain bike. Now it was my turn to get passed. The road bikes were doing 18-20 mph, and it didn't take long for my swim lead to errode.

T2 went alot faster. No shoe change, so all I had to do was park the bike. Took off running. My goal was to run the whole way. And except for about three steps at the turn around/water station, I ran the whole way! I haven't figured out how to drink from a cup and run at the same time. Maybe next year.

The run actually got easier/better as it went. I even pushed the finish (as my lungs are reminding me now.)

Overall, I really enjoyed the race. The cheering was awsome (thanks Honey and Glancy.) I'll be looking for an aquabike event next year. That's a tri without the running. Oh, and now I am saving my pennies for a road bike. No sense giving up the swim lead because of equipment!

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