Sunday, September 19, 2010

Andrew's Turn at the Keyboard

Well I had an interesting week. And Kinsey said I should tell you about it. It kind of revolves around my first triathlon, which I completed today. More about that later.

I have had to start running, which is not something I do (but Kinsey has done and was an awesome resource.) So, after getting a new pair of running shoes, I was running at the gym Wednesday night, when all hell broke loose. I saw the storm building when I left work, but I had know idea what was about to happen.

20 minutes into my run around the indoor track, the rain and little hail started to fall. Nothing too bad. Then, larger hail (golf balls) started to hit the metal roof at the gym. (The track is on the second floor.) "Oh crap, those could leave a dent," I thought, as I kept running. Then, I heard what sounded like a bowling ball hit just above my head. Then another, then another. Well, they weren't bowling balls, but they were softball size hail stones. After the hail came the wind and the rain. I knew it was bad when the roof at the gym starting leaking. I mean raining indoors. The damage was so bad, the building won't reopen until Monday.
You can imagine my excitement, when I finally got out of there and to my car. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Just goes to show you why exercise is over rated. Cars can get destroyed! Now I get the grown-up task of dealing with insurance. To quote my good friend, Scott, "Good times."

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