Thursday, March 7, 2013

9 months old

This is a little late, but as you hopefully saw on Facebook, Henry is crawling!! If you are a parent you know that my time of putting him on the floor and blogging next to him is OVER.  I love that he is exploring and learning what he can and cannot do, but a crawling kid is definitely a game changer.  

The ninth month has been a lot of fun.  We started this month in Hawaii, but if you want to see those adventures check out my previous blogs. 

I love this picture below because it is his "go to" face when he wants you to laugh.  When he first started doing this face he would make everyone laugh, so of course, all the positive reinforcement means we see this one a lot.  I still laugh, every time. 

Not only is he crawling, but the little stinker is pulling up on everything.  He would rather be standing than in any other position.  Most of the time he is already standing in his crib when I go in to get him.  There have already been several bumps and bruises, but for the most part he is a tough kid and just keeps going.

We had a wonderful family Valentine's Day.  Andrew and I have never done a lot for Valentine's Day and this year was no exception.  But it was still the best one ever because I had two Valentines this year.  Henry is so happy when Daddy gets home.  I love watching them together!

Henry met Will, who is the son of Molli and Kyle Slade.  I grew up in church with Molli, I'm pretty sure we've known each other since 3rd grade.  It's amazing how our life paths have paralleled and I am so excited that we get to be Moms together!!  Unfortunately, they live in Kansas City, but I'm sure Henry and Will are going to be long distance best buds!

So exciting!! Henry graduated to the big bathtub.  He loves taking a bath! But what is a bath without some rubber duckies? Yes, we even sing the Sesame Street song, what I remember of it anyway.  This big, blow up duck is in our bathtub so that Henry wasn't overwhelmed by going from the sink to a much larger space, thank you Tobias' for the awesome gift!

Hopefully you saw the pictures of his first snow.  With the two back to back snow storms that went through we with ended up with about 20 inches.  So many firsts this month.

I can't imagine what the next month will bring, but my happy, healthy baby brings more joy to my life than I ever thought possible.  Every day is something new and it just keeps getting better!

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