Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sleep, who needs sleep?

 I have learned a very valuable lesson these last couple of months, never brag about how good your kid is sleeping, because God will choose to humble you and when, not if, that happens it is NOT fun.

Henry was such an amazing sleeper.  By 2 months he was sleeping through the night, both Andrew and I thought, what's so hard about this?  Andrew wasn't able to complain with the rest of the guys at work about sleepless nights and I was feeling more like myself again because of so much rest.  I could literally swaddle him, "burrito" him, put a hat on him and he would put himself to sleep.  How great is that?

 These were beautiful moments of sleep.  Yes, the Nap Nanny, when used appropriately, is a wonderful thing.

He would sleep anywhere.  So peaceful and Angelic, then 4 months arrived.  Now, he was only getting up once a night and would go immediately back to sleep.  It really wasn't a big deal for me to get up because I was already getting up to pump and this way I got to spend more time with Henry.

Then five months hit and he was waking up more often and could not put himself back to sleep.  He just decided to scream, he seemed so uncomfortable.  Being new parents, we picked him up, rocked him back to sleep and went back to our own bed.  Henry thought that was pretty nice.

So, now he is six months and rolling over.  Several times I have gone into his room and he has turned himself onto his stomach still swaddled.  Well, this made me very nervous.  I wanted his arms to be free in case he needed help turning back over.  As you can imagine, taking him out of the swaddle has made our lives even more difficult.

I have pictures of him sleeping with his arms out below, but, trust me, it didn't come easy.  On Sunday Andrew decided the best thing to do was just hold him because every time he put him down he would start to cry.

I go through phases of "what do books know? I'm going to hold my son and rock him for as long as I can" and then there is "OMG, I just want to SLEEP!

Last night Andrew and I literally tagged each other so that the other could sleep.  I mean tag, as in a wrestling match kind of tag.  We had the look of, it's your turn in the ring, I've had all I can take.

I don't know where the sleep situation goes from here, but one thing is sure.  With our next kid I will be very careful NOT to brag about how much he/she is sleeping!!

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