Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Did Good, Mom

I think it was last Friday, July 12th, when Henry and I had a really tough day.  I think he is teething, but have no proof of it.  Either way, he was cranky, clingy and uncooperative.  Nothing I did seemed to make him feel better and I was out of ideas before noon.  We somehow muddled through the day and as I was putting him to bed one of those moments occurred that other parents tell you about.  That moment when you know you can get up and do this again tomorrow.  I put Henry's blanket across me so that he could lay down and as his head was resting on my shoulder he was patting my arm.  This is not something new that he just started doing, but at that moment it felt like he was saying, "You did good, Mom.  We survived this day and you did good."

1 comment:

  1. Sister, you are an incredible mother. He is the luckiest boy on Earth. Love the picture of the two of you in Hawaii. Kiss that beautiful big bald head of his for me.
