Wednesday, March 20, 2013


 This past Saturday, March 16th, I decided to get some friends together to hang out at our house.  These are friends from all different areas and times of my life, but we all have one thing in common, we are teachers and mommies (Tommies).

The kids were very close in age.  Below we have Josef, who is two, with his mom Erika.  My first teaching job, eight years ago, at Black Traditional Magnet, I taught with Erika and we have been friends ever since.  Josef definitely had a challenge with being the oldest kid, but he did great and he needs the practice, Erika is due in May!!

This picture cracks me up because Henry and Josef are fighting over one little corner of this toy.  Josef is telling Henry that it is his corner and Henry could care less.  I would like to think that Henry is young enough that he didn't know what was going on, but he is pretty ornery and has probably learned to defend his toys because of Charlie (our dog).  I wonder if it will still crack me up in two years?

Molly, who is one, is the daughter of Jill who I met through a Sunday evening small group.  Jill was the only middle school teacher in the group, but we let her come anyway and I'm so glad we did!!  As you can see below, Molly is ready to cheer for her K-State Wildcats!

William is showing off his adorable toothy grin with his mom, Stephanie.  Stephanie and I taught 3rd grade together at Allen Elementary and have continued to stay in touch even after a I moved to Caldwell.  William will be one in less than a week.  Yea!!

Will tried to escape, but those sneaky moms gated off the stairs.  He looks like a happy little captive.

Cooper was our youngest little attendee, at 8 months.  She is hanging out with her mom, Beth, who I met at the birthing class Andrew and I attended.  It was a fun class and we really enjoyed getting to know another couple in the class.  We should have had six weeks of class with everyone, but Henry was born the day before our last class.  You might say Andrew and I are procrastinators, oops!

Cooper really enjoyed the Jumperoo and Beth found a new toy that will allow her to get more things done around the house.  A win-win situation for everyone!

I love this little face.  I'm pretty sure he is saying, "I can't play anymore, please put me down for my nap."  Henry was such a trooper.  He didn't get a morning nap, so he was awake from 7:30am until 1:30pm.  Luckily, everyone else needed a nap too.  They played hard and hopefully everyone slept hard!

I had such a great time getting everyone together.  I can't wait to do it again!

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