Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Henry's first fever

I am taking Henry's temperature with the ear thermometer. 

Henry got his four month shots yesterday and last time he was a little cranky, but other than that he was fine.  This time he got a fever.  I don't know if you remember the first time your baby got a fever or if it was just recently, but I was barely able to put him down in his crib last night, I just wanted to hold him so I knew he was okay.  He didn't scream much at all, he just had this pathetic little whiny cry, like a puppy wimpering, until he fell asleep.  I think  watching him like this might have been more painful for me than when I am not feeling well. 

Yesterday the fever was 100, which I know isn't too bad. The doctor's office told me not to call unless is reached 103 (between you and me if it had reached 100.5 I was going to call, why would I wait until it is soooo high?).  Andrew, ever the voice of reason, assures me that he is fine, convinces me to put him in his own bed and then consoles me as I try to fall asleep.  God bless my patient husband.  He had a really good night sleep and had even less of a fever this morning, but he is still warm and I can tell he just doesn't feel good.  We took a nap together and he ate well, so there's nothing to be worried about (I'm of course writing this to convince myself of that) but I still want him to feel 100%. 

Below are pictures of him being his adorable self, yes, he is sporting a lime green cloth diaper.  Those little dots on his thigh are the bruises from the shots.  I seem to mind more than he does.  Maybe he gets that personality trait from his father. 

Henry is talking/cooing.

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